Enter capital value for your project
Christchurch Cost
Izone Cost
Rates Difference
General RatesChristchurchIzone (SDC)
Capital Value00
Uniform annual general charge00
Targeted RatesChristchurchIzone (SDC)
Water uniform charge00
Waste uniform charge00
Water capital value00
Sewerage capital value00
Land drainage capital value00
Active travel$20.000
Special heritage$7.000
Library uniform charge00
Stock water (public good) uniform charge00
Canterbury museum uniform charge00
Targeted Rates00
- For both council's additional charges apply for the collections of refuse from the property or the ratepayer may use a private collector.
- Environment Canterbury rates are not included in the above calculations.
- Rates are calculated on the adopted budgets for each council's 2018/2019 financial year.
Christchurch City
Council rates
- From 1 July, the following charges apply per cubic meter (m3): $0.94. This applies if the consumption is greater than the water rate divided by 0.94
Selwyn District
Council rates
- From 1 July, the following charges apply per cubic meter (m3): $0.46
eg If 10,000 m3 of water was used per annum, the following would apply $4,600