As a master-planned greenfields development, Izone has been designed to incorporate a range of sustainability features. These include a significantly enhanced natural environment, treating wastewater on site, and reducing vehicle movements through optimal positioning next to key transport links, including rail.
Izone's developers are designing a green building framework against which future owners and tenants might choose to benchmark their operations. 'Green building' principles are based on sustainable practices that prioritise living within ecological limits, conserving resources, minimising environmental impacts, tenant health and safety, life-cycle analysis and the future adaptability of buildings.
Izone is a member of Te Ara Kakariki Greenways programme, dedicated to creating a corridor of plants native to the Selwyn District that will extend from the Southern Alps to the Pacific Ocean.
Canterbury has the lowest proportion of native plants in the country, covering less than 5% of the region. By planting tens of thousands of native plants, the goal is to achieve sufficient plant density within Izone to support a thriving bird and invertebrate population.
Work Life Balance
A central aspect of the Izone Southern Business Hub has been the creation of an environment that fosters a healthy work/ life balance - literally a place where people want to work.
Walkways and Communal Spaces
Izone’s central hub is linked to the rest of the site by landscaped walkways. The design facilitates easy access and encourages exercise during the work day. This network of walkways extends for several kilometres.
The substantial landscaped areas and communal spaces encourage staff interaction and the opportunity to join with friends and family for leisure time.
Built Environment
Land Covenants
Construction Manual
Cafe Izone
The hub is home to Cafe Izone, an attractive amenity that provides a full cafe and restaurant service. It is used by Izone businesses and the Rolleston population in general.
Izone Visitor Centre
The well appointed Izone Visitor Centre facility is suited to board meetings of up to 12 people, and regularly hosts larger groups. It is available for resident businesses.
Reticulated gas / Alternative energy solutions
Izone affords businesses the convenience of being able to utilise gas as a cost-effective energy source available to each lot boundary.
Options for alternative power and reticulated hot water / steam are being examined under strategic partnership arrangements.
Traffic management
Dual entry options create a manageable flow of traffic and easy access to and from State Highway 1.
Access to Canterbury's rail network and Port of Tauranga’s Metroport present significant options to reduce truck movements for companies opting to site their businesses adjacent to the rail siding.
Waste water
Izone has a designated wastewater pipeline linked to the Selwyn District Council's treatment plant. The system is designed specifically to accommodate the needs of ‘wet industry’ located at Izone, with the cost of treatment evaluated on a case-by-case basis.